Friday, November 22, 2013

Being Apart of a Youth Choir [ Harmony 'N Motion ]

    Youth choirs are so underrated !! I was nervous when I first joined the youth choir at my church Cornerstone. I heard about this church through my aunt she wanted to give it a try so we went and it was AMAZING. I never thought that I'd find a church that I wouldn't fall asleep in and I know I'm not the only one - Haha.

    I am home schooled so I honestly didn't know what to expect. Being around other people is not something that happens too often when you are home schooled. So I was mostly nervous that I wouldn't be able to talk to other teens or that they would judge me. All church's are not always friendly to "newcomers".  I've rarely been around teenagers my age that were interested in the things that I'm interested in. 

    It was summer at this time and the youth choir named Harmony 'N Motion was having summer camp. My sister and I decided to sign up. Everyone was so welcoming and fun. They didn't even know me and my sister but they wanted to be our friends. We put together a shorter version of the "Sister Act 2" . It was such a great experience! Singing, dancing, and acting with people that had the same love for the arts as you did. Almost three years later me and my sister are still with our youth choir they have all become our family. 

     We get upset with each other sometimes but nothing can ever shake us.  When it is time for us to sing we shut the place down!!! The Holy Spirit takes over and we praise our God. Nothing can compare to the feeling you have stirring inside of you when you are sharing Christ through music. Harmony 'N Motion was the best thing that ever happened to me.

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